Restore Minnesota Action Alert: MN Human Rights Act - SF 4292
The following is an urgent message to the Minnesota Church. There are comments by Pastor Dale Witherington and MN Rep Walter Hudson. You will also find an Alpha News link.
Please share this with everyone you know, especially
the Pastors.
Our religious liberties are truly under attack and being suppressed right here in Minnesota. It's time for the Church to wake up, rise up, and exert it's God-given authority! --------------------Dale Witherington
Get to the pastors!Pastors - Please watch this short clip by Rep. Walter Hudson. It is time for the church in Minnesota to rise up and say, “No you won’t!” You MUST understand what we have been saying for years.The Democrats in Minnesota are an aggressive force of hatred toward God and His church. The Democrats in Minnesota are an aggressive force of hatred for America and Americans. They DO NOT care about the Constitution of the United States. They DO NOT care about the Constitution of the State of Minnesota.The DEMOCRATS of Minnesota want YOU silenced! They want to reduce the pulpits in Minnesota to rubble. They have rewritten God’s definition of marriage. Now they want to rewrite basic doctrine of the beliefs of the three largest religions of the world! Think about it! They don’t care about your Christian Bible. They don’t care about the Jewish Torah. They don’t care about the Islamic Quran.THEY. DON’T. CARE!
They believe they are God! They believe their human government supersedes God Himself. Their arrogance is beyond any reasonable comprehension.You MUST write and call every Representative & Senator in the Democrat party.
You MUST encourage your congregations to do the same.
You MUST get to the Capitol in large numbers and DEMAND Sen. Latz, Rep. Becker-Finn and the members of the Senate and House Judiciary Committees resign.
You must overwhelm all Democrat Senators and Representatives with phone calls and emails.
You must overwhelm the Governor’s office with phone
calls and emails. The time for being nice guys has passed.YOUR CHURCH IS A TARGET OF THE SELF-PROCLAIMED “QUEER CAUCUS” REGIME AND THEY ARE PROUD OF IT!!
Silence is no longer an option.
I return home from overseas on March 27. I’ll coordinate what I can while I’m gone. Restore Minnesota will continue to fight for you but now you, even if you never have, MUST engage as well. God help us!Dale
Alpha News
Religious groups accuse state Democrats of ‘tremendous act of hostility’
Democrats again shot down efforts to restore protections for religious institutions against claims of gender identity discrimination.